Seattle Pride Hockey Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization on a mission to grow the sport of ice hockey through diversity and inclusion. We believe that hockey is for everyone, and we work hard to create events & programs that bring our communities together to celebrate diversity.

Your gift — no matter how big or how small — can help in a number of ways.

Whether it’s $300 or $5, it all adds up to help us reach our mission to grow hockey into a more diverse and equitable sport.

Want to help out but don’t have the financial resources to do so? No worries! We’re always in need of volunteer support on an organization level or events.


Challenging homophobia and changing culture are just the start. We firmly believe acceptance can only be achieved when education is used to unlock understanding.

Education > Understanding > Acceptance

Hockey is often regarded as a historically cis-white-hypermasculine sport. When other perspectives and experiences can be shared and challenged, we can all collectively grow through that learning.

$120 can help us build educational programs & events that create acceptance and change. 

$50 can help us build fitness training programs for adults for healthier lifestyles.


Hockey is for everyone, and we’re one of countless organizations around the world working to make that a reality. On or off the ice, our mission comes to life when the LGBTQ community and allies can play, learn, practice, watch, and gather around hockey. More so, we recognize the importance and value of these opportunities. For many, it’s this is the first or only queer hockey space they’ve ever been a part of. By creating a welcoming space to enjoy a sport they love, we have a chance to truly affect peoples’ lives for the better—enabling them to enthusiastically embrace a sport they love for years and decades to come.

$100 can help us knock down economic barriers and create space for underserved communities to access this great sport.

$75 can cover someone’s first hockey lesson.

$100 can help us knock down economic barriers and create space for underserved communities to access this great sport.

$75 can cover someone’s first hockey lesson.


Hockey is for everyone, and we’re one of countless organizations around the world working to make that a reality. On or off the ice, our mission comes to life when the LGBTQ community and allies can play, learn, practice, watch, and gather around hockey. More so, we recognize the importance and value of these opportunities. For many, it’s this is the first or only queer hockey space they’ve ever been a part of. By creating a welcoming space to enjoy a sport they love, we have a chance to truly affect peoples’ lives for the better—enabling them to enthusiastically embrace a sport they love for years and decades to come.


Our primary purpose is to create a safe space for all LGBTQ hockey players and fans. Hockey can be an intimidating sport to play and follow, especially for youth athletes or those who are just starting out. We believe in creating an environment where all feel comfortable – we cheer for each other, regardless of ability, and we reach out to one another in the spirit of making hockey better.

$60 can give us the resources & tools necessary to get out in the community and show that Hockey Is For Everyone.

$300 can help us outfit a new LGBTQ+ adult or youth player who may feel hockey is a straight, cismale exclusive sport.


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